Antonia’s top ten in Spoleto

my top ten


Spoleto I can imagine it through the five senses ….. all the senses are perceived in every corner of this beautiful town. You can relive and imagine the lives of seven historical periods … by cyclopean walls to the modern sculptures by Calder, or a fresco by Sol Lewit, the majestic facade of the cathedral of Santa Maria at sunset, or the astonishment aroused by the church of San Salvatore, one of the few architectural remains of the Lombard period (VIII century), Unesco world heritage.


Spoleto can be charming and seductive like a lady in the prime of her life, but at the same time strong and intriguing like a gentleman.


These are a few reasons why I chose Spoleto as my place to live outside reality, to relax and enjoy the time between art, music, good food, quiet, genuine pace and things of the past and the discovery of the future through its many activities from all over the world ..

When I need, I take refuge in my “paradise” and I can regenerate through the magical atmosphere that you live here also among many members of my family.
Spoleto is a discovery every day, you never stop to appreciate it and love it. 


S. Maria Assunta Cathedral

The magic of the square, the staircase and the facade are unique, breathtaking when you see for the first time. Go there at sunset and forget all your worries. Sit on the steps, breathe deeply and raised his eyes to heaven, as you follow the flight of swallows.

Go inside to admire the apse frescoes by Filippo Lippi with the life of the Virgin Mary and her assumption into heaven, the multi-colored floors, the sacristy of wood and maybe even an organ concert.


Basilica di San Salvatore

This unique church is one of the World Heritage Sites, you can feel the past, the masterpiece of every single stone, designed to protect the old cemetery… I never tire of visiting this church.

During the summer there are concerts piano and often small musical performances by internationally renowned artists.

Unfortunately, due to Covid and t the recent earthquake, the church has been damaged and it can be seen only from a glass door at the bottom of the church but it is worthwhile visiting it.


Rocca Albornoziana

La Rocca Albornoz is on top of the town, is worth a visit and the beautiful walk to get there. From the fortress a view that encompasses most of the Assisi Valley, the largest valley in Umbria. The horizon is up to Perugia, Assisi, Montefalco and beyond. Its strategic position is a mixture of magic and dreams.

The interior reflects a noble residence used by the cohort of the pope at the time of Lucrezia Borgia and its frescoes bring back stories of love and passion, a collection of modern and ancient history.

Inside is the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto, a jewel to visit that includes a series of objects found near testimony of centuries, from Roman times to late antiquity (sarcophagi, mosaics, sculptures, paintings …)


Teatro Caio Melisso

Teatro Caio Melisso is located in the historic center of Spoleto, in the picturesque scenery of Piazza del Duomo, the oldest Italian theater of Spoleto, overlooking an artificial terrace. It is finely decorated, contains interesting paintings of the 19th century performed by the artist Domenico Bruschi from Perugia.

Its unusual position, in Piazza del Duomo, makes the visit more impressive.

Many representation during Festival of 2 Worlds are held in this beautiful little theater like the “Midday Concerts”.


Palazzo Collicola

Memories of my family where my parents spent their honeymoon at a maternal aunt who lived in this beautiful palace.

It was sold by my maternal grandfather to the City of Spoleto who use it initially as the site of the goldsmith school, the pride of this town, and later as Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna thanks to the generous donation of Giovanni Carandente. It contains many works by modern artists including such as the fresco of Sol Lewit, now a symbol of the town of Spoleto.

The contemporary Museum is worthwhile visiting, the collection is very rich of many masterpieces from Solelewitt to Calder to Ceruli.  Often they organize special tour in the museum and in town. Ask for information at the information desk.

The aristocratic Gallery has recently been restored and brought back to the splendors of the honeymoon of my parents (see my father in the picture, January 1934).


La Torretta Ristorante

For many years I frequent this restaurant and I am always satisfied both for the food and  by the courtesy of its owner. Never once disappointed!

The Umbrian cuisine is expertly blended with a modern twist with a wide variety of local and special wines.

Scroll through the menu but trust the advice of the owner who always suggests dishes made with fresh, local ingredients that you’ll struggle to forget!

One of my favorites? Figs rolled with ham laurel scent …. but only during the season for figs!  But truffles and meat and strangozzi are very special.  It is better to book in advance because the places are very few, they have chosen the quality to the quantity!

Closed on Tuesday



Charming place to enjoy a proper Umbrian meal and more…Giovanna, the owner is a superb lady whose goal is to make people enjoy her restaurants… try the caramella or the lamb with herbs…. you will love and tell her you are my friend, she will take care of you are she does with me.  The place deserve 1 visit…. if you cannot go for…. a second time 🙂


Tric Trac Ristorante

This is my place, where I love to take a nice aperitif in the summer evenings, caressed by the breeze, while the swallows flutters around the bell tower.

This is where my father taught, the young waiters, how to make a good cocktail Martini … now owners of this magical place. Get Giuseppe, if it is not somewhere in the world to prepare his special cuisine to some lucky person.

In his absence there is Spartacus, an affable and whimsical character and ask to prepare a real Martini cocktails to the way taught by Dr. Deodato …. but ask to have it in the classic cup martinis cocktail! For me this is a must.

To remember some habitué: from Thomas Schippers to Luchino Visconti, from Ezra Pound to George Moore and Pablo Neruda, Allen Ginsberg, Franco Zeffirelli, Jerome Robbins, Alexander Calder, Princess Caroline of Monaco, and of course  Marcello Mastroianni and Sophia Loren and many others.


La Lanterna

A typical umbrian Trattoria welcome by the owner  Alessandra Viola and her sister. A very simple place if you are in a hurry  you can enjoy a “family” italian meal well prepared and presented.  

The environment of brics and volts is quite suggestive.

I always relax when I go there and I love their “nidi di patata fritti”.

Booking is strongly suggested.


Il biologico

Open only for lunch. Fixed menu vegetarian at a high level. Enjoy the taste of incredible dishes set daily for lunch, you can also shopping with bioproducts.  If you are lucky you can enjoy special dinners with a special menu organized from time to time or even cooking lessons. See web site and inquiry with Giampaolo, a super chef! Their website is

Via XVII Settembre, 06049 Spoleto PG (downtown, next to Villa Redenta

tel. 0743 40164 – 3349718125